Bring on 2018!!

Instagram/Snapchat/Twitter - Imzpanda

Happy New Year!!

So 2017, finally over!!

The year of absolute chaos has finally concluded and we can look forward to 2018 being a lot better? I don't want to jinx anything but surely 2018 can't be worse. We've seen some of the biggest icons pass away, we've witnessed spine tingling tragedies and it just seemed to be a year of sheer madness. I am not going to start from January and work my way through all the months. I am just going to select some of the most memorable moments in my opinion from each month and give my thoughts on them. I'm going to keep my focus on things which happened internet-wise and maybe add a few world news bits in but mainly light hearted news.

Well, well, well, January wasn't exactly the best start for many people with President Trump firing shots at the Muslim community, trying to pass laws to ban them. However, I feel like if I talk about Trump and his laws and all his shenanigans then this blog will be never ending. So, I am going to try to keep Mr President out of the rest of this blog. On to better things. January gave us the birth of the infamous Salt bae. I remember watching it for the first time and wondering to myself why the hype is so real because all he was doing was stabbing meat, cooking it then sprinkling salt not just on the food but also on the table, floor and probably on the cameraman as well. Apart from the politics and salt bae, January wasn't too interesting... Oh Yeah, it also had people forgetting what their New Years resolution was.

Same as every year, February is the best month. Why? Because it's my birthday in February so how can anything in that month be bad. Furthermore, to help prove my point, it was the month we discovered the now, iconic rapper/singer/role model Danielle Bregoli. If you don't know who she is then you must have been under a rock for the whole year. The catch phrase. "Cash me outside, how bout dat" is something that has excessively been used as the year has gone on and Danielle has now dived into becoming a rapper. Even though she has accumulated a lot of hate, you can't deny that she has made some catchy tunes. In other news, February unleashed the Epic Under 18's nightclub. It was something that every lad in Essex who was a bigman attended, all in their finest designer clothing. Seriously, these kids had on Moncler, Stone Island, Armani... the whole lot!! I couldn't believe my eyes, when I was their age the most expensive item of clothing I had was probably from Next or maybe a pair of total 90 football shoes. Swiftly moving on,  as the year progressed we saw an onslaught of diss tracks on YouTube, it started with Mr Disstrack himself Ricegum getting accused of hitting an ex-viner, The Gabbie Show. Furthermore, the world was blessed with the Roll safe meme. The meme, received so much publicity that even the police used it for one of their campaigns to stop drivers from drink driving or using their phones while they drive.

As we got deeper in the year, we started to realise that 2017 was definitely not going to be a year of many joys. The one good thing that did come out of the year was the support everyone had towards each other. Through all the conflicts, there was so much support and being distributed amongst communities and the world seemed like it was uniting as one. Now, one slice of news which a lot of people didn't really hear about was that during a German award show the absolute masterpiece of a film, La La Land received an award and a Ryan Gosling impersonator came up on stage and accepted the award. I don't know about you but that deserved to be front page news!! Lets be honest, how often does something as funny as that happen. Moving on, I am no icon when it comes to fashion but this year we saw one too many posts about male rompers. Since I have added this, can someone please explain why someone would buy a romper and think it was something practical to wear. Being absolutely honest, the romper is basically a onesie with less material. A good thing about fashion is that trends tend to die out pretty quickly and the male romper died before it could fully surface, so it's all good.

I'm going to finish up this year, talking about all the other memes which have caught my eye. The first meme... It just has to be the Italian hand meme. The Italian hand was such a simple meme, yet it was so effective and some of them were absolutely hilarious. The best adaptation to the meme was when someone changed the poster for the Italian job. Continuing on, sometime last year we were blessed with the petting dog meme. If you have no idea what I mean by the petting dog meme, a quick way to describe the meme is; basically people take pictures and go on to change the meaning of what we are seeing by cropping in the petting dog. An example of the meme was when someone changed Hitler saluting into the meme. Finally, the meme which had me creasing has got to be the one of the macaque monkey getting a haircut. I mean, the face the monkey is making while getting the haircut and the actually haircut itself is something that would sure as hell make anyone laugh. The best version of this meme was the one where it is a picture of Trump signing something but the monkey had been edited in and replaced the document he was signing.

I'll leave 2017 there.

I hope you all have a great new year, once you have sobered up and got ready to tackle this year. Finally, I hope any resolutions you make this year you can stick to them and ideas you have I hope they go exactly as you plan them.

Happy New Year!!

Instagram/Snapchat/Twitter - Imzpanda  


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