Gym Thoughts


So, we are nearing the time where the gym will be so busy with new and old members, you will actually contemplate doubling up with someone on the treadmill. It's not just the treadmill though. There will be an absolute party by the weights. Every Tom, Dick and Harry will be trying to bench press triple their body weight, just so they look like a gym lad for their new Instagram picture which will probably get captioned with something along the lines of... "New year grind" or "This is my year, just watch."  To those people, I want to say good luck but in reality we all know it's going to be "The Grind" for about one month. After that month it's going to be back to normal for most people. By normal I mean, most people will go back to sitting at home and promising themselves that "tomorrow" is the day they will get back to it.

If you're like me, you will probably motivate yourself so much that you will end up feeling like you've got yourself a six-pack before setting foot in a gym. When in reality you still look the same as you did during the whole Christmas period. The aim is to set a realistic goal for yourself. The question I end up asking myself is, what is realistic? This is because to some people losing 20kg, then toning up and getting an Olympic gymnast body might be realistic. On the flip side, for someone who looked the same as the first person but doesn't have the capability of doing that much, what is realistic for them? So many questions, so many different answers but what article, video or blog should you believe. I don't know the answer, if I do lose weight and get hench I'll spill the beans.

That feeling, when you go in for your first gym session of the new year is something different. It's like, when you go to a football match and you walk through the tunnel or up the stairs and get that optimistic feeling that your team will breeze past the opposition and everything will be as easy as solving a four piece puzzle. For you lot who can relate to this post so far, I want to you lot to go in the gym without your phone and try to just focus on going H.A.M, without worrying about what everyone else is doing or trying to hurt yourself by lifting and pumping weights beyond your capability all because Jonny big balls is doing it. If it's your first time at the gym, there is a guarantee that there will be one or even multiple bits of equipment which you will look at and think... 
where does my face go and where does my backside go. The easy way to figure it out will be to ask someone who looks like they know what they're doing or ask a member of staff. However, not many of us are that confident when it comes to asking questions because it makes us feel like idiots. This results in one of two outcomes...
The first - We guess and end up doing pogo jumps where we are supposed to do dips.
The second - We wait until someone else jumps on the equipment and we copy them all the way.
Either way, it will end up with you doing pogo jumps where you're supposed to do dips. It's fun and funny but not sure how quickly it will get you your six pack.

In conclusion, if you're thinking of going to the gym to actually workout or just spend a bit of time to fill up your social media dry spell... Just do it. I mean, you are paying for your membership so if you want to spend that money to use the gym as a catwalk/photo booth/storage centre or a place to workout, do it.

Insta/Twitter/Snapchat - ImzPanda


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