Gym in 2018

Just like that, we are already into the third day of 2018. I want to remain optimistic about this year because it has started off looking positive. If you are having doubts about going to the gym and working out because; it won't work, don't have motivation, worried about starting or anything else. My advice, for absolutely anyone who is in possession of those kind of negative feelings is... you have to start somewhere and it's better to start now rather than later. For myself, the hardest part of going to the gym was working through the burn and keeping up with the progression. I feel, that a lot of on/off gym goers suffer from this common issue of getting into a slightly better shape than what you were, when you first started then stop going and add the pounds back on to get back to how you were before you started going to the gym or worse.

When I was thinking about this blog, my main aim was to see if I could give any form of advice on what "should" help you, to keep going H.A.M in the gym. The first and most obvious thought was motivation. My main source of motivation is music. I genuinely, do believe that if you have the right playlist then you will be able to secure a mind blowing session. In addition, depending on what you exercise you are doing, you will need to adapt your playlist to help maximise you success in your workout. Here we go:

  1. Warm up - The type of music which you want for this will be something that is going to get you pumped for the rest of the session. You, can't go wrong with a little bit of 'Eye of the tiger - Survivor.' Another, sheer banger of a tune to get yourself pumped for a gym session is 'Lose yourself - Eminem.' These types of songs are perfect to get you feeling, some type of way because they hype you up and make you feel like you can go the extra mile.
  2. Legs/Lower Body - For working on legs, the best type of music to get you feeling like you can go that extra mile is some form of heavy metal. I'm not a fan of the genre but when I'm working on my legs, I'm an advocate for the music. Easiest way to find the tracks is by going on Spotify and just clicking on the rock genre. 
  3. Chest/Upper Body - Motivation for this area is my favourite because it is rap. There are a lot of artists who are exceptional. My number one artist, for when I am working out is DMX. This is due to the utter intensity of his music. However, a very close second place is 2Pac. I know all of his songs don't have the same sort of anger as DMX but they are still mad. Favourite song for each artist; DMX - X gon' give it to ya, 2Pac - Hittem' up. I can guarantee a solid performance in the gym if you listen to either of those.
  4. Core - I don't really do my core. So let me know about the best tracks or genres when doing core.

So, thinking long and hard about it. I knew I had to talk about diet and being honest, this was the main thing which I was dreading. I'm one of those people, I can smell a burger and put weight on. I mean if that isn't fun, then I don't know what is. Your Diet, is the main factor for you losing, toning, bulking etc. It's the part which everyone, even people who already are gym mad have issues and daily struggles with. My advice, to anyone who is going on the grind and is seeking for the best dietary for them, go see a doctor or ask someone that works in your gym. Saying that, remember not to be so brutal that you end up killing yourself and give yourself a cheat day every so often.   

Moving on, I understand that another huge concern for guys (only spoke to guys about it) is being shown up by Jonny Big Balls. Truth is, you don't need to worry about what anyone else is doing especially not a guy who looks like he eats a whole farm for breakfast. I can understand, guys feeling inferior and embarrassed when they are standing next to your typical 'Gym Lad.' What you need to remember is, that guy who now has biceps with better definition than words in the dictionary had to start in a similar position to you. As a result of this, you should have no worries when you go to the gym and start bicep curling low weights because as long as you keep to it, you will see insane progress and one day you will be in his shoes. When that happens, remember to lookout for anyone who is struggling and offer them a hand.

Okay, so lets assume that you've got your motivation bang on and you've mastered not caring about what others think about you and your diet is also on point. You are well on your way on being an absolute gym lad. You basically, have one more step before the creators of Fit Tea pop up in you Instagram and Twitter DMs asking you, if you want a years supply of Fit Tea and all you will have to do is upload a pic of yourself flexing next to a packet. The last, very vital step of seeing change in yourself at the gym is consistency. I will be the first to admit, consistency is one of the harder things to grasp hold of when you start going to the gym. I think, the biggest reason to us not being consistent when it comes to the gym is the fact that we end up going out and eating whatever we see. Then we tell ourselves the biggest lie, 'tomorrow, i'll get back to it.'  The best way to stay consistent in the gym, make yourself a plan and  buy a calendar so that you can mark down when you are free to go out and when you are going to be in the gym. 

If there is anything that I want you to take away from this blog then it is that, you should believe in yourself and the rest will come as time goes on.

If anyone has anything that they would like me to blog on or want to promote anything feel free to message me on Twitter or Instagram. 
Snapchat/Twitter/Instagram - Imzpanda


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